In this topic
  1. Configuring the Identify Widget
  2. Using the Identify Widget
    1. Results

Identify Widget Version 2.14

The Identify Widget allows you to retrieve information from source data by executing a predefined query(s).

The Identify Widget serves as a means to retrieve attributes for the identified features in your map. By drawing a geometry type using the Identify Widget the underlying features in the map that intersect the drawn geometry will be identified and the results displayed in the Identify Widgets results tab. The results can be configured on a layer by layer basis and the results attributes can have formatting specified.

Configuring the Identify Widget

The following steps indicate how to create a identify layer. Repeat these steps if you need to define multiple identify layers.

  1. Hover the mouse over the Identify Widget and click the small edit icon Edit

    The configuration window for this widget opens.

    Add new search
  2. Optionally, click change widget icon if you want to replace the default icon for this widget.

    A file explorer window opens allowing you to browse to a local image file to use as the widget icon.

  3. Click Add a Identify Layer under Settings.

    The new identify layer dialog opens. Now enter the Identify URL of the service layer that you wish to use in the widget.

    Add Search Layer

    Once you have entered the url, click into another field or press enter on the keyboard in order to load the layers fields into the Available Fields grid.

    Add Service URL
  4. Select individual fields from the Available Fields grid and click the Include button or just click the Include All button to add all the available fields to the Included Fields grid.

  5. Next choose which fields to be PopUp Only fields by selecting the check box for that field. The purpose of this option is to minimize the text displayed in the widgets results window to the essential information from the identify operation and then the popup only fields will appear in the popup.

    Choose popup only field
  6. Give your layer a Name to differentiate this layer from others in the widgets dialog.
  7. Optionally check the Force Scale checkbox and specify the Zoom Scale if you want to for the map to a certain scale when the identify result is clicked on.
  8. Optionally add link(s) to your identify layer by clicking the Add Link button.
    Add Link

    Give the link an alias and configure the other link options like Disable Link if Null which will prevent the link from showing in the widget if the link field is null, and Disable link in PopUp (self-explanatory), and PopUp Link Type which assigns the link as a text hyperlink in the popup or and image link.

    Set the Link Content by assigning static text that represents the link url (i.e. or clicking the Plus button to add a field from the search layer that contains the link url. Do the same for the Link Icon Content.

  9. Click the OK to complete the adding the identify layer step.
  10. Optionally, click the Add Exclude Identify Layer.

    The add exclude identify layer dialog opens, allowing you to specify layers that are in the map that should be excluded from the identify results if the Only These option is not checked.

    Exclude Layer
  11. Optionally, click the Edit General Settings.
    Edit General Settings
    1. Optionally, define the Default Zoom Scale.

      The Default Zoom Scale is used when zooming to identify results that are point geometry or when you have not checked the Return Geometry for Zoom.

    2. Optionally, choose the Identify Layer Option.

      The Identify Layer Option is used to specify if only the visible, top most, or all the layers will be identifed.

    3. Optionally, set the Identify Tolerance.

      The Identify Tolerance is the distance in screen pixels from the specified geometry within which the identify should be performed.

    4. Optionally, check the Keep Identify Active and Return Geometry for Zoom.

      The Keep Identify Active option specifies that when an identify operation is completed that the drawing tool that is currently selected in the widget will remain active and will not be automatically disabled. This feature allows you to continue to identify multiple features on the map without having to re-select your identify geometry type each time.
      The Return Geometry for Zoom option is pretty self explainatory. If this option is not cheked then the default zoom scale will be used to zoom to the identify geometry that was drawn to get the results.

    5. Optionally, check the Select Geometry Types check boxes that you want to appear in the widgets UI.
    6. Optionally, check the Enable Mouse Over Graphic Info Windows and Enable Mouse Over Result Info Windows check boxes.

      Enable Mouse Over Graphic Info Windows will allow the maps info window to appear when you hover the mouse over the result graphic in the map.
      Enable Mouse Over Result Info Windows will display the maps info window when you hover the mouse over the identify result in the widgets results UI.

    7. Optionally, check the Use Map Time and Replace Null With Empty String check boxes.

      Use Map Time will allow the identify results to be confined to the maps time extent when the map is time enabled.
      Replace Null With Empty String will display an empty string value in the results instead of the word null or undefined.

    8. Optionally, check the Disable Layers Drop Down List and Disable All Layers Choice check boxes.

      Disable Layers Drop Down List will remove the Identify From drop down box in the widgets UI, that allows the user to specify that they only want to identify features from that one selected layer.
      Disable All Layers Choice will remove the all layers option from the Identify From drop down box in the widgets UI.

      Identify From
    9. Optionally, set the Info Window Auto Close (seconds) and select a Default activated Select Tool.

      Info Window Auto Close (seconds) sets the number of seconds that the info window will remain open for when not hovering over the result, graphic, or info window itself. If you set this value to 0 then the info window will not auto close.
      Default activated Select Tool specifies which tool will be activated by default when the widget opens, to allow the user les clicks to get identifying.

    10. Optionally, check the Display map info window at a fixed position on the map (i.e popup not at the identified location).

      Setting the Top map coordinate (in Pixels) and Right map coordinate (in Pixels) forces the map info window to show at a fixed position on the map instead of a location based on the identify results graphic.

  12. Optionally, click the Edit Default Identify Symbology.

    The default symbology dialog opens, allowing you to choose the color and style for the identify result symbol.

    Select symbol in results setting
  13. Optionally, click the Edit Result Formatting.

    The result formatting dialog opens, allowing you to choose the color and style for the identify result text.

    Result Formatting
  14. Click the OK to complete the widgets configuration.

Using the Identify Widget

Clicking the Identify Widget in your application displays the widget. Depending on the Default activated Select Tool choice that was made during configuration the configured identify geometry type will be selected.

Use of the widget can begin imediately by drawing on the map and the identify operation will begin.

List of searches


The Results view lists all the identified features and thier attributes that have been configured or if Only These is false or not fields were specified for the layer then all the attributes for the identified feature will be listed.

Identify Results
PopUp Results